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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Monthly Archives: November 2014

Light, colour and shape

This term at Pelham Primary school children were inspired by Matisse and his use of light, colour and shape. His exhibition at Tate Modern: Cut Outs in the Summer was an inspiration to us all at Children’s Art School. The children watched a film of Matisse cutting directly into paper and then experimented with similar […]

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Breaking the rules

This week at Merton Park’s after School Art Club we finished our collaged puppets that we started last week. See last weeks Blog: A little Puppet Happening for more details.                     Our aim is to create a nonsense performance including words, puppets and music. We listened again […]

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A little puppet happening!

Inspired by a family day at the Whitechapel Gallery‘s Hannah Hoch exhibition last year; at Merton Park after school art club we decided to begin a project on puppets by looking at Hannah Hoch and the Da Da movement and create a little ‘happening’ of our own.                   […]

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Wire Heads

This week year 1 children at Pelham School had a look at sculptor Alexander Calder’s ‘Little Head’ and other wire portrait art. They bent the wire into different face shapes, like we had practiced a few weeks ago. See the blog post Drawing with Wire earlier this term.   They used bits and bobs and different thicknesses of […]

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Marks to music

After taking my children to family events as part of Tate Britain’s Big and Small programme, I was inspired by composer Neil Luck and artist Dan Scott’s work for children that invites them to respond to music through mark making.                   My son was totally engrossed by […]

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Collaborating on Circles

You may have been following our circle painting project. We have been working with Veena every week at our after school Art Club. You can see where we started by clicking these links: All about Circles Joining Circles Our final collaborative circle paintings came together this week. We cut our giant paintings into pieces so […]

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Reshuffling Picasso

Sabrina Smith-Noble worked with year one children to create these lovely bold images Taking inspiration from ancient Aztec masks and Picasso’s deconstruction portraits; we created theses pieces by making masks which we sliced up and reshuffled to create new characters and shapes. We used strong contrasting colours and patterns of lines to make them stand out.

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