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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Magnificent Machines

To conclude our project The Way things Go at Merton Park primary School after school art club we collaborated to make several giant collograph printed works. We began by looking at the work of artists Fichilli and Weiss in two sessions where we investigated The Way Things Go and Playing Seriously. We then went on to look […]

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Ingenious inventions

The last two weeks at Merton Park School we have been focusing on making our own invention to make into a large scale collograph printed work. We began by looking back at our initial drawings of machine parts and selecting shapes to work with. In quick drawings we investigated how shapes could fit together. We […]

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Beautiful Collographs

This week at Merton Park After School Art Club we learnt to make a collograph print. We refined our plates made last week that were based on our drawings of rusty old car parts. We then mixed some acrylic paint to the right consistency and applied it to our plate. We made our paper wet […]

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Tuttle and Texture

We have been looking at tools, machines and parts of old cars. We made some drawings and looked at the variety of shapes and textures.   This week we began to imagine other ways of creating texture. We looked at Richard Tuttle’s work, who has recently had an exhibition at Whitechapel Gallery and Tate Modern. […]

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The Way Things Go 2

Following on from our first session in this project where we played with purpose, using objects to build stable but precarious structures, we now experimented with making these structures move. The simple task of making balls move, through a chain of events, across a table kept us challenged for nearly and hour and a half! […]

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The Way Things Go

Continuing from last weeks session at Merton Park Primary school where we started to think about structures and moving machines, we made some drawings of car parts and tools. I spent a surprisingly enjoyable half hour rummaging around in a car junk yard and found some fabulous things to draw. The objects helped us look […]

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Playing Seriously

In our first session back at Merton Park Primary school we began to explore ideas around building, structures and machinery. I have been interested the idea of ‘serious play’ for a while in the work that I do; that is playing with ideas or materials with a purpose. Many others who deal with creativity in […]

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A little puppet happening!

Inspired by a family day at the Whitechapel Gallery‘s Hannah Hoch exhibition last year; at Merton Park after school art club we decided to begin a project on puppets by looking at Hannah Hoch and the Da Da movement and create a little ‘happening’ of our own.                   […]

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Collaborative Cut-Out

At Merton Park this week our giant collaborative cut out is  finished. Look back through previous blogs to see how it began. We worked hard to see the picture as one large piece and made decisions on the best place to put each piece. We learnt that it can be hard to compromise our feelings […]

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Drawing with Scissors

This term we have been looking at organic shapes, that originated from our drawings of leaves.   We have used different printing techniques to create different images. This week we watched Henri Matisse drawing with scissors and experimented with his techniques -cutting into paper that we had painted ourselves. First we mixed colours and painted […]

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