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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Easter 2017

Thinking in Three Dimensions – Exploring Sculpture


Spend two days exploring and immersing yourself in making Sculpture, with artist Abigail Hunt


Using drawing, painting and collage as a starting point, you will explore the possibilities of what Sculpture is. Inspired to create structures in three dimensions, you will have the opportunity to use a wide variety of materials, including cardboard, paper, clay and recycled and natural found objects. Playing with large and small scale making, your sculptures will push the possibilities of your imagination, bringing the ideas in your head out into real and abstracted objects and exciting forms.

P1021853 PB230566

Date: Wed and Thur 12 and 13 April

Time: 9.30 – 4.30pm

Age 6-13*

£120 for 2 days

To Book email   info@childrensartschool.org

Venue: The Marchand Hall, Ashcome Rd, Wimbledon SW19

Located behind Crown Kindergarten on Ashcome Road.
Walk down the path to the side of Crown Kindergarten to the hall at the end with a lovely Orchard Garden.

*classes will be staffed and grouped according to numbers booking

