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  07808 168 543

Kids school and holiday art clubs

Christmas 2016

  • Festive Focus: Fun with Photography

Photographic artist Marysa Dowling will lead a 2 day Photography course for children.


Age  6-13

Venue: Donhead Preparatory School, Wimbledon

Monday and Tuesday 19 and 20 December

9.30am – 4.40pm

£120 for 2 days



In this fun, 2 day photography course, children will

  • explore the creative potential of photography
  • learn how an artist uses photography to create a narrative
  • make sequences of photographs
  • make and use props to compose photographs
  • think about location, pose, lighting and sequencing
  • work individually and in groups to consider, gesture, action and movement.
  • use studio equipment to compose and take a photograph
  • use existing photographs to manipulate into new images
  • explore how to display photographs for an audience

We encourage children to bring their own camera to use, however please let us know if this is not possible and we will have resources available. A simple camera with compact flash and SD card is preferable for easy downloading of images to work with. Please make sure the camera is fully charged and the memory card is clear of images before we start.

  • DSC_0193

Specially adapted activities for children aged 6 and under in a small supported group.


For further information and booking email Annabel


Click here to see details of our last photography course

Fun with Photography  – day 1

Fun with Photography  – day 2