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Kids school and holiday art clubs

February Half Term – 2016

How to be a Visual Storyteller



With Illustrator Amy Pennington


Join a team of young illustrators to create your own character and take it on a visual narrative journey. In this two-day course you will follow a creative adventure into designing giant-sized characters, storytelling, illustration and teamwork. You will learn skills for drawing, illustration, painting, collage and storyboarding, working individually and as part of a small team.


Date: Monday and Tuesday 15 and 16 February

Time: 9.30 – 4.30pm

Age 6-12

£120 for 2 days

Venue: The Marchand Hall, Ashcome Rd, Wimbledon SW19
Located behind Crown Kindergarten on Ashcome Road.
Walk down the path to the side of Crown Kindergarten to the hall at the end with a lovely Orchard Garden.


Day 1: Learn a range of techniques to develop new and unexpected characters. Using a wide range of references from characters with super powers to Alice through the looking glass you will bring people, animals and objects to life on a variety of scales and with a wide variety of materials.


Day 2: Learn to create a short visual story with your characters and experiment with ways to illustrate these adventures. Working as a team you will combine characters and work physically to create stories and narratives mixing media, colour and black and white. You will experiment with using a limited ‘colour palette’ for your work.


Click here and here to see previous courses following a similar theme.
