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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Children’s Illustration for Wimbledon BookFest

Hidden sources of Knowledge

 Children’s Illustration Course

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During the Wimbledon BookFest fortnight artists Ania Bas and Amy Pennington will take up residence leading events for children and adults.





With artists Ania Bas and Amy Pennington

Join a team of young illustrators and go ‘through the looking glass’ to create your own character, taking it on a narrative journey. In this two-day course you will follow a creative adventure into storytelling, illustration and teamwork.

Dates: Sat 30 October and Sat 10 October

Time: 1.30 – 5.30pm

Venue: Wimbledon Village Hall, 26 Lingfield Rd, SW19 4QD

Cost: £90 for the 2-day course

Day 1: Learn a range of techniques to develop new and unexpected characters. Using a wide range of references from characters with super powers to Alice through the looking glass you will bring people, animals and objects to life on a variety of scales and with a wide variety of materials.

Day 2: Learn to create a short visual story with your characters and experiment with ways to illustrate these adventures. Working as a team you will combine characters and work physically to create stories and narratives mixing media, colour and black and white. You will experiment with using a limited ‘colour palette’ for your work.

It is not essential to have attended Day 1 to enjoy Day 2 on its own.

Bookings available through BOOKFEST website