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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Ania Bas

Ania is an artist who writes and works with people. The works she co-makes with others take many forms ranging from live events such as walks or performances to publications. She inserts into her work a healthy dose of humour and creates art situations that are open to anyone to join in.

bio ania bas

Ania’s Q&A

What do you like?

Writing, walking, reading, galleries, books, fruit, public transport, traveling, large sofas, coffee.

What don’t you like?

Mean people.

What’s the best thing about being an artist?

Space and time for thinking new thoughts daily!

If you could have any artwork in your house, what would it be?

Christian Marclays The Clock as my clock.

What’s your advice for young artists?
Don’t copy!

Ania’s work: www.aniabas.com

Ania’s work with Children’s Art School

Magazines for Kids by Kids: February half term course