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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Animation Station for Wimbledon Bookfest

Immerse yourself in the world of animation with Wimbledon Bookfest and artist Amy Pennington 

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Join us at the Animation Station and immerse yourself in 2 days of animation fun. Working individually and in groups, create and develop your own animations with simple stop frame technology. Dream up characters, stories and settings and bring them to life.


7 and 8 October 1.00pm -5.00pm

£120 for 2-days

£65 per day

7-13 years
Donhead Preparatory School


Booking as a 2-day course but can opt for 2 individual days.

Day 2 will build on skills and concepts learnt on Day 1. Those joining on Day 2 will recap introductory material.


Day 1: Learn a range of animation techniques, create and storyboard characters, stories and sequences. Bring your characters and worlds to life using animation apps.


Day 2: Continue to experiment with a range of animation techniques. Develop your narratives into larger productions using suspended cameras to film simple sequences. Make and use props and sets.

Book via the Bookfest website HERE and HERE

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