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  07808 168 543

Kids school and holiday art clubs

Summer: 2014

The Art of the Game – will you go up? Or down?



Join artist Sarah Carne for a two day adventure to devise and build a human scale game of Snakes and Ladders but winning is about collaboration not chance!


2-day course for 7-12 Year olds

Thursday 24 and Friday 25th July, 9.30 – 3.30

(Option for late pick up at 4.30pm)

L0035004 Snakes and Ladders (Game of Heaven & Hell)

Children will be encouraged to

  • explore the possibility of building a human scale games similar to snakes and ladders.
  • incorporate into their game issues they are interested in – this could be as broad as recycling, climate change, school uniform, length of holidays.
  • share and debate opinions, and perhaps disagree!
  • develop skills in making – including design, painting and building, individual and team work   and creative problem solving.
Children will work on large scale both outside and in.
Parents will be invited to  to play the game with their children when they collect them on the second day.
how to play

£90 for 2 days (£120 if collecting at 4.30pm)

Venue: Donhead School, Edge Hill, Wimbledon, SW19 4NP

Book now by sending us your email address

Or calling Annabel on 07808 168 543