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Kids school and holiday art clubs

‘Zine’ in a Weekend with Wimbledon Bookfest

Design, write and publish a visual guide to How to write a great children’s book?

DSC_0069In association with Wimbledon Bookfest

WBF Generic logo

Join artist Ania Bas in an editorial team to create and publish your own mixed media publication about the characters, plots, action and dialogues you love. Share your top tips with authors! Throughout both days you will draw, paint, write and design your own collective guide.



Day 1 – Saturday : 

Explore what makes a great character. Through painting and collage create ‘zine’ pages exploring our findings.


Make visual maps exploring dialogues, monologues; characters’ inner lives, viewpoints and narrative voices.

Day 2 – Sunday: 

Explore what makes an irresistible story.  Large-scale drawings will be refined into illustrations for the ‘zine’ – synthesising our findings.


Through building small scale installations, investigate writing structures, settings, plots and genres.


Each day

Gather top tips for inclusion in your very own publication; work together to create content and agree on the final look of your pages.


After the course

Receive your own professional riso printed publication – also be available to purchase on line!

TWRG book image by Rebecca Beinart

Example of ‘riso’ print


A previous Children’s Art School ‘zine’

Children attending both days (senior editors)

Senior editors will be responsible for the creation of the front and back page of the publication.



Saturday and Sunday 8 and 9 October, 1-5pm

Donhead Preparatory School, Edge Hill, Wimbledon SW19 4NP

7-13 years

£110 for 2 days

£60 for 1 day