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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Pop-Up Print Studio: Day 2, Key stage 1

For our younger children artist Louise Pasquill introduced the children to the ancient art of Gyotaku. A technique once used by fishermen in Japan to identify fish!

Don’t forget to look at what we got up to in Day 1.

Louise showed the children how to make clay fish, concentrating on adding texture to the surface  using a variety of tools.


Different colours were added to the wet clay using a roller.

DSC_0358 A sheet of rice paper was carefully laid on top of the fish and pressure applied with the tips of the fingers. The paper was lifted to reveal a delicate print of the fish.DSC_0365 DSC_0366 DSC_0367 DSC_0368

Children experimented using clay to make their own fish, using print outs of different types of fish as inspiration.DSC_0376 DSC_0378 DSC_0386

Lots of different tools were used to make marks on the clayDSC_0389 DSC_0392

Layers of paint were added with the roller.DSC_0404 DSC_0405 DSC_0406

Beautiful combinations of colours were used.DSC_0408 DSC_0410 DSC_0415

It was magic every time the paper was lifted.


The rice paper picked up lots of different textures.DSC_0420 DSC_0422 DSC_0424 DSC_0425 DSC_0426 DSC_0427 DSC_0428 DSC_0429 DSC_0430 DSC_0431 DSC_0432 DSC_0434 DSC_0436 DSC_0437 DSC_0438 DSC_0441 DSC_0442 DSC_0444

The magic moment when you lift up the paper gets me every time!!DSC_0445 DSC_0448 DSC_0449 DSC_0493

After our prints had dried we cut them out and stuck them in patterns on to the prepared backgrounds from yesterday. For a reminder of how we made these click HERE.DSC_0548 DSC_0550 DSC_0551 DSC_0552

We showed our work in the hall alongside the work from the older children. Our parents came to see.



To see work produced by children aged 7-11 click HERE


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