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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Wild Art on Wimbledon Common – Day 1

On a perfect Autumn day our group met on Wimbledon Common for 2 days of art making using natural materials found in the woodland.

We discussed the Samhuin idea of souls trapped inside animals and how we could release them by making an image.


During a short exploration of our surroundings we foraged for basic materials, learnt some basic knots, lashings and skills to manipulate twigs.

In groups we quickly made some animal shapes.

Can you spot the animal?

DSC_0038 DSC_0039 DSC_0045Artist Philippa Snell demonstrated more key skills and then we made some drawings using charcoal on paper.

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We then got to work translating our ideas into wood.

We used flexible Hazel and Rowan to make curved shapesDSC_0080 DSC_0087

…and lashed together straight sticks of different lengths to make squares and triangles.DSC_0098 Gradually our animals took shape

DSC_0115 We were taught how to use tools safelyDSC_0137 DSC_0145 DSC_0150 DSC_0166

We also learnt to make a simple lantern, weaving leaves into a woollen mesh.DSC_0198 DSC_0201

When our animals were complete we began to hang them in the air and watched the afternoon sun stream through.DSC_0220 DSC_0225 DSC_0229

Some of us started to imagine a larger environment for our pieces.DSC_0244 DSC_0248 DSC_0258 DSC_0288

By the end of the afternoon we all had animals gently swinging in the breeze. We discussed again the idea of Samhuin, Halloween or All Souls night being the time of year when the veil between this world and another world  is at its thinnest – and the souls of our animals were released into the forest!DSC_0293 DSC_0298

A giant washing line hoisted them up to the treetops. It was a spectacular moment!DSC_0306DSC_0308

We loved this bee crawling through the leavesDSC_0311

Tomorrow we will learn other skills to transform our base into a magical art installation for our parents to enjoy.

Click here to see day 2



One Response so far.

  1. Margaret o'shea says:

    These are wonderfully creative. I love the spiders web! My daughter will love this when she is a bit older.

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