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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Collaborative Design and Build 2018 – day 2

On Day 2 of our architecturally inspired art course children got to work as structural engineers, to refine their structures, then morphed into interior decorators, furniture designers and town planners as the city developed and took on its own life.

To catch up on DAY 1 click HERE


We began the day straight away by completing the basic structure of our houses – the children were keen to get going. They couldn’t keep away from their houses.

DSC_0195 DSC_0207 DSC_0208 DSC_0197Some had even been busy collecting and making at home – bringing in new elements for their structures. Someone even made and electric light!

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We talked about the problems we were having and how to overcome them.DSC_0192Some of us were solving roofing problems.


We strengthened plastic sheeting by corrugating it and supporting with canesDSC_0213 DSC_0232

And added a textured skylight made from bubble wrap.DSC_0257

Others developed a pitch thatch roof, made from canes and paper for a homeless shelterDSC_0212 DSC_0218 DSC_0215IMG_3328

A curved doorway emerged


Signs appearedDSC_0214 DSC_0304


And small structural details added.

The space had been entirely populated and everyone was busy.DSC_0221

We then started to decorate our houses, both interiors and exteriors – we began to think about   function and what was needed. The children’s creativity really took over.

Interior furnishings moved in


Windows were dressed with curtainsDSC_0243 DSC_0237

TV’s installedDSC_0233

Storage units assembled and decoratedDSC_0254

Pet’s moved in and housedDSC_0253

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Fancy hooks installed for weapons in this fortDSC_0250

…and for jumpers in this house.

Door knobs were added


The outside came inside with a few natural touches.


Creative solutions were found for simple problems – we loved the hinges on this window made from straws and tape.IMG_3326

Our city had a factory that made everything.DSC_0249

A government building  – ‘The White House’DSC_0251


A dungeon

And a bank – called the ‘Money House’.DSC_0321IMG_3323

We even had a Fortune Tellers House – every city needs one of those!

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Interiors had pictures on the walls and clever furniture solutions.


The homeless shelter had drums and a collection box and was filled with graffiti from past inhabitants who had since moved on to better times.

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It was pretty high on creative energy in the room – despite the rain we took a quick walk down to the park to eat our lunch under the trees Time to pause and get some fresh air!

On our return we went back to our mapping activity, we added in the buildings we had made and imagined how they would all link together. We completed the maps with new imaginary items.

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Children worked in pairs or individually and completed their map at their own level of ability.IMG_3289 DSC_0302

They added scale and keys to show how the land was used.DSC_0303

After this calming activity – we set to work on the final touches and began to link the buildings together with roads and other street furniture.

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But the buildings kept developing – the children just could not stop creating!


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A covered terrace made from sticks miraculously appeared after several attempts to assemble.DSC_0282 DSC_0319DSC_0320

But soon the time ran out and we were ready to show our work to our parents and carers.IMG_3316IMG_E3306

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We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

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One Response so far.

  1. James Sale says:

    Thank you for such a lovely write up! You’ve really described the flow that we hoped to bring to the workshops. Thank you too to everyone who was involved! A really fantastic two days!!

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