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Kids school and holiday art clubs

Day of the dead

Our thriving art club at Pelham school has 2 groups – KS1 and KS2.

Our younger group have been looking at sculpture and relief with Louise Pasquill this term in a project themed around the Day of the Dead!

Children began by  experimenting with clay, pattern and texture in the first 2 sessions. img_2931Using a symbolic language they built a story of marks onto a  design for a mask.

img_0052 img_0060 img_0062 img_0064

The design was transferred to a card template made from a paper plate.img_0063 img_0061 img_0065 img_0068 img_0071 img_0072 img_0073 img_0074 img_0075

Continuing with the theme of the ‘Day of the Dead’ the children looked at skeletal art. We studied the anatomy of bones in a crocodile. This exercise got the children thinking about how bones are made up of different shapes, how they slot together and can grow and reduce in size, like along a tail.

img_3086Here are some examples of sketches the children created using cotton buds, masking tape and scissors.img_3166 img_3167 img_3168 img_3169

We then went on to make our masks in clay.img_3089 img_3092 img_3094

We gave it a whitewash base and then added colour using our cardboard designs to copy.img_3170 img_3171 img_3180 img_3181 img_3183


A small loop was added to hang the sculptures – a perfect spooky decoration!


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