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Kids school and holiday art clubs

AccessArt Village stage 2

This term at Pelham School After School Art Club we have been taking part in the AccessArt Village Project.


See my post from earlier this term for a look at where we started – AccessArt Village


After experimenting with some stitches we began to transfer our house designs onto calico squares

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The children then simply stitched the outlines as a starting pointIMG_5762DSC_0329


As they grew more confident they used more complicated stitches to add more detail FullSizeRender-3

And add scraps of material for details. DSC_0346FullSizeRender-4 FullSizeRender-5



They great more creative as they went on, experimenting with new techniques and stitches.
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Sessions have been calm and peaceful as the children find this work extremely therapeutic. It demands great concentration.DSC_0340

It’s lovely to see how their designs gradually translate into a final product.DSC_0343 DSC_0345DSC_0360

Crayons and pastels were used to add detail and blocks of colour to designs. Buttons and beads created more three dimensional effects.
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We have used the AccessArt website for inspiration at the start of each session.DSC_0385 DSC_0387 DSC_0388 DSC_0389 DSC_0390 DSC_0391 DSC_0392 DSC_0394 DSC_0395 FullSizeRender-6 FullSizeRender-8 FullSizeRender-9 FullSizeRender-10 IMG_3790

As the houses got to a finished point we used thick card to create a standing mechanismIMG_3867

Our houses could standIMG_3868 IMG_3869

and begin to form a street.IMG_3872 IMG_3873As the children finish they will work together to make a village installation so we can photograph all the houses together before we send them off to accessory to join the larger installation.


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